An Introduction to Read with Kaitlyn

        An Introduction to Read with Kaitlyn

    Hello Everyone!

     My name is Kaitlyn and I created this blog hoping that it will allow me to interact with people and share my story. The main topic of this blog is of course reading, but I will also be discussing other personal things from time to time. I decided to make a reading blog because, well, I love to read. There have been many times where I have been invested in an amazing book and so eager to share, only to realize that there really is no one to discuss it with. I know that this blog doesn't guarantee that I will be able to interact with people as I am reading, at least not initially; however, the thought of knowing that someone may come across this at some point makes me feel less alone and eager to just start sharing. I read many genres of books, but the majority of them fall in the romance category. I'm also a sucker for a good YA romance. 

    My goal is to put forth yet another perspective or review on the books that many of us are reading or plan to read in the future. My reviews may not always be positive, but I do promise to be honest in writing these posts. I invite you to follow along with me in my reading journey and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the books I'm reading. Most of all, I'm just hoping to meet new friends and like-minded people who share the love of reading.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. The next few posts will be reviews on books that I've read starting in January 2022. Please bear with me as I catch up, but I will be posting up to date content as soon as possible. Until then, happy reading!


Image credits to Sublinhando
